[Kuai Liang said: I think so? There's still a few things I'm a bit confused on but I think I'm getting it now.]
[Kuai Liang said: What is the little smiley face button when the keyboard comes up?]
[Hanzo said: According to Takeda that's how you access something called Emojis?]
[Kuai Liang said: Emojis?]
[Kuai Liang said: Oh!]
[Kuai Liang said: They're like little pictures I think I can send you!!!!]
[Kuai Liang said: 😀😀😀]
[Kuai Liang said: I love them!!!!!]
[Hanzo said: Well I'm glad you're enjoying them.]
[Kuai Liang said: 😘😘😘]
[Hanzo said: Oh no.]
[Hanzo said: This is going to be one of those things that distracts you now isn't it?]
[Kuai Liang said: ❄️⛄️❄️]
[Hanzo said: Kuai...]
[Kuai Liang said: 🥮 They have mooncake!!!!!!]
[Kuai Liang said: Wait hold on.]
[Hanzo said: Why?]
[Kuai Liang said: 🔥💖❄️]
[Kuai Liang said: It's us!!! 😘]
[Hanzo said: …]
[Hanzo said: Listen here you adorable little shit...]
[Kuai Liang said: Hold on again I want to try something!]
[Hanzo said: What?]
[Contact name changed from Hanzo to 🔥Hanzo💛]
[Kuai Liang said: Yay it worked!]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: …]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: You just added emojis to my name in your phone didn't you?]
[Kuai Liang said: 😇]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: Of course you did...]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: Kuai Liang, for some reason I love you even if you are a fucking dumbass sometimes.]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: 😘]
[Kuai Liang said: Love you too 😘]
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