What Does "Hentai" Mean?

❥Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang
❥Word Count: 559 Words
❥Rating: Explicit
❥Warnings: Pranks, Mentions of Pornography/Hentai, Mention of Tentacle Porn
❥Prompt: Hentai

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[Johnny said: So, Cass said she’s finally set you up with Netflix!]
[Johnny said: Have you managed to watch Ninja Mime yet? 😁]
[Kuai Liang said: No, there are more important things than your ego.]
[Kuai Liang said: Besides, the premise seems culturally insensitive to the Japanese.]
[Johnny said: Hey! Nothing is more important than my ego, thank you very much! 😝]
[Johnny said: And it’s not culturally insensitive, I speak Japanese!]
[Kuai Liang said: Speaking a language doesn’t mean you can not be culturally insensitive!]
[Kuai Liang said: Wait…]
[Kuai Liang said: You speak Japanese? Since when?]
[Johnny said: Yeah! I did some lessons back when I did that film!]
[Kuai Liang said: You have never mentioned this…]
[Johnny said: Well, I mean, I’m not what you’d call fluent, but I know enough!]
[Johnny said: For example I know “Hentai” means “I love you”.]
[Kuai Liang said: I see…]

[Kuai Liang said: What does “Hentai” mean?]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: I beg your pardon???]
[Kuai Liang said: Jonathan is currently trying to persuade me that it means “I Love You” in Japanese.]
[Kuai Liang said: Naturally, I have my doubts.]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: Ah. No, that is definitely not what it means.]
[Kuai Liang said: As I suspected.]
[Kuai Liang said: What does it mean then?]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: It means “pervert”.]
[Kuai Liang said: Really? I guess he was hoping I’d just send you that word without context then.]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: Hm, could be.]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: He could also have hoped you would doubt him and search for it’s meaning, and find the artform known as hentai.]
[Kuai Liang said: And… What exactly is the artform known as hentai?]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: It’s nothing you need to worry about.]
[Kuai Liang said: … Right…]

[Kuai Liang said: I just looked up Hentai using The Google.]
[Kuai Liang said: Jonathan, have I ever mentioned that I very much dislike you?]
[Johnny said: OMFG!!!]
[Johnny said: 😂😂😂😂😂]
[Johnny said: Did you actually?]
[Kuai Liang said: YES!]
[Kuai Liang said: I mean, I asked Hanzo first.]
[Kuai Liang said: But he was very reluctant to tell me.]
[Johnny said: Ahahahahaha!!!]
[Kuai Liang said: I have seen things that will forever be engraved in my memory.]
[Kuai Liang said: I will find a way to get you back for this, Jonathan, mark my words.]
[Johnny said: 😘]

[Kuai Liang said: So I just did some research into what Hentai is.]
[Kuai Liang said: You could have given me some sort of warning, you bastard!]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: Sorry!]
[Kuai Liang said: I have seen things I will never unsee, whatever innocence I had left is shattered.]
[Kuai Liang said: And why the FUCK were there so many tentacles????]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: Oh! The tentacles actually do have an interesting story behind them!]
[Kuai Liang said: 😐]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: Oh…]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: That was a rhetorical question.]
[Kuai Liang said: YES!]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: Ah. Sorry.]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: Still, I mean…]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: If in your research you uh… Discovered any new ideas you’d like to try, I would be open to hearing them.]
[Kuai Liang said: You hentai.]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: You can’t blame a man for trying.]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: But…?]
[Kuai Liang said: No.]
[Kuai Liang said: Not unless you spontaneously grow tentacles overnight.]
[🔥Hanzo💛 said: I’ll see what I can do.]
[Kuai Liang said: … Mmm hmm. 🙄]

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