The Song-Hasashi Family Group Chat

❥Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Harumi Hasashi
❥Word Count: 403 Words
❥Rating: Teen
❥Warnings: Text Fic, Fluff, Overuse of emoji
❥Prompt: Group Chat

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[Harumi 🌺 added Bi-Han 🧊 to The Song-Hasashi Family Group Chat]
[Bi-Han 🧊 said: Oh god really?]
[Harumi 🌺 said: What? You’re part of the family Bi-Han 😊]
[Bi-Han 🧊 said: It’s such a cliche to have a family group chat though.]
[Satoshi 🍂 said: Hi Uncle Bi-Han!]
[Bi-Han 🧊 said: Hello Satoshi.]
[Kuai Liang (Husband 2) ❄️ said: But Big Brother if you’re in the group chat you get the instant updates whenever Hanzo does something stupid.]
[Bi-Han 🧊 said: Okay, true that does sound enjoyable.]
[Hanzo (Husband 1) 🦂 said: Excuse me, when do I ever do anything stupid?]
[Kuai Liang (Husband 2) ❄️ said: Just this morning you asked if bees were mammals.]
[Hanzo (Husband 1) 🦂 said: Alright, but in my defence, I had just woken up from a dream where it was announced that bees were now officially classed as mammals and I was confused.]
[Frost 🌨 said: Dumbass.]
[Bi-Han 🧊 said: Dumbass.]
[Hanzo (Husband 1) 🦂 said: Shut up.]
[Bi-Han 🧊 said: That aside… Harumi, how come you felt the need to label your husbands, but apparently not your kids?]
[Kuai Liang (Husband 2) ❄️ said: Oh that was actually my fault.]
[Kuai Liang (Husband 2) ❄️ said: I changed my name to Hanzo at some point, and after the chaos Harumi made it so we can’t change our own names anymore 😢]
[Kuai Liang (Husband 2) ❄️ said: She put the numbers as punishment for my sins. 😭]
[Satoshi 🍂 said: Yeah. Dad 2 kinda ruined it for the rest of us ☹️]
[Takeda 🌕 said: RIP our funny usernames.]
[Bi-Han 🧊 said: Well that explains why I have an emoji beside my name.]
[Harumi 🌺 said: What’s wrong with having an emoji by your name?]
[Harumi 🌺 said: I think it’s cute and fun! 💕]
[Bi-Han 🧊 said: What are you? 15?]
[Harumi 🌺 said: 😠]
[Kuai Liang (Husband 2) ❄️ said: Uh oh!]
[Frost 🌨 said: Now you’ve done it Uncle B.]
[Satoshi 🍂 said: She only gets out that emoji when she means business.]
[Takeda 🌕 said: Yeah she angy.]
[Hanzo (Husband 1) 🦂 said: He’s a goner, there's nothing we can do to save him.]
[Bi-Han 🧊’s name was changed to 🖤💙🧊🔪🧊💙🖤]
[🖤💙🧊🔪🧊💙🖤 said: …]
[🖤💙🧊🔪🧊💙🖤 said: Okay, I probably deserve this.]
[Takeda 🌕 said: Press F to pay respects.]
[Satoshi 🍂 said: F]
[Frost 🌨 said: F]
[Harumi 🌺 said: 😏😘]

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